Sacred Place

89 x 142cm Acrylic on Stretched Canvas


At Gosford Regional Gallery, Friday 5th February 2016, The Hornsby Bestowed Collection
exhibition was opened and gifted to Gosford Regional Gallery to become
a part of the Gosford Regional Gallery Art Collection.

You may be pleased to note 'Sacred Place' is part of that collection.
The collection was formed about ten years ago from donated paintings from over 40 artists

Unfortunately Hornsby Council felt they were unable to own the works and show them
with justice. Fortunately they were accepting of the concept to donate
the collection to another council who could and would be proud to do so.
Gosford Regional Gallery proudly received the collection.

The Collection includes artwork by major Australian artists including: John Coburn, Elizabeth Cummings, Shay Docking, Elwyn Lynn, Tony Tuckson, Guy Warren and Margaret Woodward.